I need your help to do entries in multiple input boxes, each and every input box have their own unique id and the input boxes are organized in tabular format.
My requirement is to get data from excel and put those into web page.
please check the attached screenshot for reference.
I tried your given suggestion but somehow it;s not working in my case.
below is what I tried
<html title='Update Expense Report: Cash and Other Expenses' />
<webctrl id='N55:Date:0' tag='INPUT' />
replaced with
<html title='Update Expense Report: Cash and Other Expenses' />
<webctrl id='N55:Date:*' tag='INPUT' />
<html app='chrome.exe' title='DataTables example - Form inputs' />
<webctrl id='row-*-age' tag='INPUT' tablecol='"+1 or 2 or 3+"' tablerow='"+rowindex.ToString+"' />"