How to do data entry with multiple input boxes in tabular format?

Hi Guys,

I need your help to do entries in multiple input boxes, each and every input box have their own unique id and the input boxes are organized in tabular format.

My requirement is to get data from excel and put those into web page.

please check the attached screenshot for reference.

Thanks in advance.

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It depends on how feasible the selectors are/

For eg:

One way is you may modify your Type Into selector and map the row and column with your datatable row and column

Use wildcard charater in the ID value

Pass the Row and Column Variables in the Foreach loop

<html app='chrome.exe' title='DataTables example - Form inputs' />
<webctrl id='row-*-age' tag='INPUT' tablecol='"+varCol.Trim+"' tablerow='"+varRow.Trim+"' />"

Hi vvaidya,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I tried your given suggestion but somehow it;s not working in my case.

below is what I tried
        <html title='Update Expense Report: Cash and Other Expenses' />
        <webctrl id='N55:Date:0' tag='INPUT' />

replaced with
    <html title='Update Expense Report: Cash and Other Expenses' />
    <webctrl id='N55:Date:*' tag='INPUT' />

but it’s not working

anything else we can do with this?


Check UiExplorer and see if you can use any attributes. Share screenshot if you can.

Hi vvaidya,

I have already tried with additional attributes but no luck. please check attached screenshot of the UIExplorer

Try this by mapping with datatable, you need to modify if you have paging.

Is it possible to use foreach loop variable in selectors?


rowindex = dt.Rows.IndexOf(row)

<html app='chrome.exe' title='DataTables example - Form inputs' />
<webctrl id='row-*-age' tag='INPUT' tablecol='"+1 or 2 or 3+"' tablerow='"+rowindex.ToString+"' />"

I tried this way but it’s throwing error.

I believe variable is not accessible in selectors

write the selector into Blank Type Into activity and try, don’t indicate anything.

tablerow='"+rowindex.ToString+"' (quot should not appear)

If I get it correct, this is what you are saying right?

I tried this and it’s working but only for one record. not working for second row.

typeinto.xaml (5.4 KB)

Yahooooo it’s working. Thanks for your great help :slight_smile:

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hello I have problem with the same subject, I use dynamic selectors but not fun at the time of increasing 1 in the counter … any ideas?