Hi Experts,
Hope you all are well.
I need your help on below use case.
I have input as
Required Output -
For Coumn B result, i want to divide column B by 100
For column D result, i want to append hyphen in Column C value
Please suggest Linq Query only.
Test.xlsx (8.9 KB)
(Peter Preuss)
July 29, 2021, 3:12pm
have a look on the expression property of a datacolumn
Maybe a more straighforward way instead of LINQ
After adding the computed columns you can
take needed cols with dt.DefaultView(…
rename the cols
it can be achieved while configuring the custom datascraping:
start Datascrapping Wizard
indicate first cell
click no for
configure first column (indicating firdt and second cell)
click on extract correlated data
indicate first cell Company column
click on extract correlated data
click on first link, second link, configure:
and so on
Kindly note to enhance the retrieved link withe base url info:
retrieved: market-activity/ipos/o…
But this is related to scrapping, i just want calculation on the same column.
(Peter Preuss)
July 29, 2021, 3:17pm
not related to scraping it is done on a datatable.You also asking for a datatable, right?
yeah that’s correct , i have downloaded that xaml but i don’t find anything useful.
I just need a single Linq, if you have please share it.
(Peter Preuss)
July 29, 2021, 3:23pm
then you was very fast to RnD
Add Datacol - Amount 2
set Expression - “Amount / 2”
check result
LINQ is not allways the prefered choice, Rough Prototype
dtTarget = dtData.Clone
(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable
let a = (ConvertToDouble(d(Amount))/ 100).toString(“F2”)
let r = d(“Reason”).toString & " - "
Let ra = new Object(){d(0), a, d(2), r}
Select dtTarget.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
1 Like
I have already achieved this through adding new columns and have it’s expression and then putting back to same column.
I am looking for something where i can get directly calculated values from single linq.
Not sure if this can be possible.
(Peter Preuss)
July 29, 2021, 3:28pm
refer post above for rough linq suggestion
1 Like
Thanks, i will try to execute this.
August 1, 2021, 3:32pm
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