I’ve tried Delete range activity, Clear range activity to delete some column range (Ex: A - E). I am not getting any error but also not getting rows deleted.
Used Find file and folder - and using that result to get particular file for Delete Range.
Would you please ensure that you are providing the correct range when using the Delete Range or Clear Range activity. Double-check the range input parameter to ensure that it accurately specifies the columns you want to delete. For example, if you want to delete columns A to E, the range should be “A:E”.
I exactly using this “A:E” but not deleting any of the columns. I am not sure why. And I give shift : UP or Left then gives error. for the None no errors and nothing deleting.
you will need to ensure that the user account you are using to connect to SharePoint has the appropriate permissions to delete data from the Excel file.
Just to test can you try this…I guess its important to give the row numbers as well
Graph api needs A1 notation format to delete the cells…so please try to give max range to delete all the rows as needed or you can get count using read rnage and then use that to delete till end