Help with excel Sharepoint

Hello, I need help on using Excel with Sharepoint,
I need to delete a specific range, there is only one activity to delete and it is delete range, but it deletes the entire entire table, and I need to delete a specific cell, which activity could I use.

thank you


Welcome to the community

You can specify range as well in office365 activities


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Hello @Maria_guerrero_lopez1

Use the “Write Cell” activity within an “Excel Application Scope” to clear the content of a specific cell. Set the “Cell” property to the target cell reference (e.g., “A1”) and the “Value” property to an empty string or space. This approach clears the cell without deleting the entire table. Adjust the cell reference based on your requirements.

Thanks & Cheers!!!

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Great, it deleted the specific range for me, but I need to delete a specific cell if it contains a value, I have tried with a for each workbook but I can’t handle it, although you have helped me a lot with this,
million of thanks.


  1. Use the “Find” or “Lookup Range” activity to find the cell with the desired value.
  2. Retrieve the cell address from the activity output.
  3. Use the “Write Cell” activity to write an empty value to the identified cell.
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I am using Excel online or OneDrive activities, it is a OneDrive document, these activities are for classic Excel, but, thank you!


did you happen to try the above ? with delete rnage and providing range
