How to delete machine name

machine name already present by default …how to change it

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Ui Robot takes Name from OS.

Below link will help how to change it.


ui ,its shows error

Hi @bhala,

This seems to be a certificate issue.

Below is a post on the Same. It may help


Why do you think it is necessary to replace the machine name here? Whenever you are trying to connect orchestrator to the studio which is there in your machine, you need to provide the same machine name again. I mean, even when you try to enter the name manually, you need to enter the same.

Can you explain some additional details on this?

Machine name is actually the name of the machine on which the Robot is installed. It is automatically filled in. It needs to be between 1 and 15 characters. If the machine name is longer than 16 characters, then it appears truncated in the Orchestrator Settings window. For example, if your machine name is WORKSTATIONWIN7_01 it appears as WORKSTATIONWIN7 in the Orchestrator Settings window. The following characters are not supported:

  • Backslash \
  • Slash mark /
  • Colon :
  • Asterisk *
  • Question mark ?
  • Quotation mark "
  • Less than sign <
  • Greater than sign >
  • Vertical bar |

Please note that full stop . is a supported character, but the Machine Name cannot start with it. Some computer names are reserved by default. You can find out more about NetBIOS computer names and limitations on and if we have access to do that then here you go this page.

Cheers @bhala