How to create charts in powerbi using uipath studio

Hello Guys.

I wanted to know if it is possible to use Power View tab on excel on the Studio for automation. I cannot find any activity for Power view under excel activities I have also looked on the packages and there is nothing. I have been using pivot tables, but for my project I am required to use Power View. Maybe there is a VBA script that will allow me to do this I am not sure. If anybody knows how to implement Power View on the Studio can you please assist.

Your help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Hey! Welcome to community…

For that we need Excel add-in’s…

We can do this in modern design experience…

Just switch from the classic to modern in UiPath


Thank you for the welcome :grin:

I have modern design on and I still cant find the powerview excel activity I still only see the create pivot table but not power view.


We can’t see the power view activity…

But we can create the chats using modern…

Microsoft removed the power view option…

Instead of power view we can use power Bi…

Power Bi we can do this manually, we can’t use this via UiPath…

We need to export the data to SQL or Excel… in powerBi we can get the data from excel or SQL or any other databases…

I’ll suggest you to use SQL… bcz will get the live data once we refreshed in the Power BI…



ok, thank you for the update. I there a way I can get the document for powerBi intergrated with uipath