How to create and replace the old docx with new rename

yes i did that but in order for it to be same existing name for the if statement to run it has to be renamed first but since it has exist it cant be renamed


Then check in the folder if same file exists using this condition in if

Directory.Getfiles("Folderpath",renamenmename + "*").Count>0

This also to be used in if codnition only and on else side you have no file with name on then side you have a file with same name

Also rather than creating multiple topics for same and also asking same question incremnetqlly…it would be good if you can tell what all you need at once and maintain only ine topic…I see atleast 7 topics created for same which will not help anyone as every update will be in different thread


Hi @superpunchypp ,
This’s step check newname before rename


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