Hi Friends,
I want to copy the files from one to another folder but i don’t need to move that file, its just like mirror.
If i use copy File it’s gets an error like its a directory not a file. that file name can generates randomly its not a constant one.
so anyone can please suggest me a solution for this condition.
- Try this expression to read all files from folder and will store result in String array.
- And then use For Each loop Activity to loop one by one file and Inside use Copy File Activity to copy from source to destination directory.
Hi @lakshman
ya i tried this step but not working, actually it will be work it on RDP but doesn’t get any solution for this condition.
On the Path Property of Copy File command, use the item instead of the hardcode location.
Is the source directory on remote System ? If yes then it won’t work.
Now it’s testing in local machine,
But we want to do this RDP if there any solution to run this.
let me know.
Karthik A