How to Copy&Paste Excel Values?

I want to copy the Excel formula or filtered value with StudioX and attach it to another Excel to automate it. By the way, in StudioX, can’t StudioX automatically create an algorithm and paste only values so that people can paste only values when copying => pasting manually? I changed the properties from Activity to Value, but it doesn’t work.
Please let me know, Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @rosshild21

You can use Copy Paste Range Excel activity to copy the data into another excel file. Please share the excel file I will help you with flow.


2. Monthly Power.xlsx (2.5 MB)
Customer_Tickets.xlsx (42.7 KB)
I would like to attach the values in the table of the PowerSummary of the Excel file Monthly Power to the table of the RackPower sheet of the CustomerTickets Excel file. However, I would like to copy and attach only the data values except for the Excel formula. Can you make and test an algorithm with the activities of StuidoX and then capture it and show it to me? @Parvathy