How to convert EXCEL table?
This is the current form
ID | Company | Code | Employee Name(1) | Employee Num(1) | Employee Phone(1) | Employee Name(2) | Employee Num(2) | Employee Phone(2) | Employee Name(3) | Employee Num(3) | Employee Phone(3) |
1 | SAAB | P0340 | Abigail | A111111 | 101 | Beryl | B222222 | 202 | Daisy | D333333 | 303 |
2 | Speedway | S6665 | Julia | J444444 | 404 | Rita | R555555 | 505 | |||
3 | netflix | Q3365 | Vivien | V666666 | 606 |
ID | Company | Code | Employee Name | Employee Num | Employee Phone |
1 | SAAB | P0340 | Abigail | A111111 | 101 |
2 | SAAB | P0340 | Beryl | B222222 | 202 |
3 | SAAB | P0340 | Daisy | D333333 | 303 |
4 | Speedway | S6665 | Julia | J444444 | 404 |
5 | Speedway | S6665 | Rita | R555555 | 505 |
6 | netflix | Q3365 | Vivien | V666666 | 606 |
How can I go about doing this please?
Thanks in advance!