How to convert EXCEL table?


How to convert EXCEL table?

This is the current form

ID Company Code Employee Name(1) Employee Num(1) Employee Phone(1) Employee Name(2) Employee Num(2) Employee Phone(2) Employee Name(3) Employee Num(3) Employee Phone(3)
1 SAAB P0340 Abigail A111111 101 Beryl B222222 202 Daisy D333333 303
2 Speedway S6665 Julia J444444 404 Rita R555555 505
3 netflix Q3365 Vivien V666666 606


ID Company Code Employee Name Employee Num Employee Phone
1 SAAB P0340 Abigail A111111 101
2 SAAB P0340 Beryl B222222 202
3 SAAB P0340 Daisy D333333 303
4 Speedway S6665 Julia J444444 404
5 Speedway S6665 Rita R555555 505
6 netflix Q3365 Vivien V666666 606

How can I go about doing this please?
Thanks in advance!

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Can you try the following sample?

dtResult = dt.AsEnumerable.SelectMany(Function(r) Enumerable.Range(1,3).Select(Function(i) dtResult.LoadDataRow({r("ID"),r("Company"),r("Code"),r("Employee Name("+i.toString+")"),r("Employee Num("+i.toString+")"),r("Employee Phone("+i.tostring+")")},False))).Where(Function(r) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(r("Employee Name").ToString)).CopyToDataTable (14.8 KB)


Thank you for your prompt reply.

It’s my fault.I misdescribed my doubt.

This is the current form

Company Code Employee (1) Employee (2) Employee (3)
SAAB P0340 Abigail/A111111/101 Beryl/B222222/202 Daisy/D333333/303
Speedway S6665 Julia/J444444/404 Rita/R555555/505
netflix Q3365 Vivien/V666666/606
ID Company Code Employee Name Employee Num Employee Phone
1 SAAB P0340 Abigail A111111 101
2 SAAB P0340 Beryl B222222 202
3 SAAB P0340 Daisy D333333 303
4 Speedway S6665 Julia J444444 404
5 Speedway S6665 Rita R555555 505
6 netflix Q3365 Vivien V666666 606


How about the following?

dtResult = dt.AsEnumerable.SelectMany(Function(r) Enumerable.Range(1,3).Select(Function(i) dtResult.LoadDataRow({"",r("Company"),r("Code")}.Concat( r("Employee ("+i.toString+")").ToString.Split({"/"c})).ToArray,False))).Where(Function(r) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(r("Employee Name").ToString)).CopyToDataTable (21.2 KB)


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I can’t thank you enough.
It worked fine.

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