How to convert table1 to table2? In Table1 numbers are not in current for irregular, whereas In Table2 numbers properly placed or alined. 10's, 100's and 1000's place

As shown in pictures: total total1 How to convert table1 to table2? In Table1 numbers are not in current for irregular, whereas In Table2 numbers properly placed or alined. 10’s, 100’s and 1000’s place.

hi @johns,

I’m assuming this is in Excel. If that’s the case then after opening your excel file. In the excel application scope send 5 hot keys
first “ctrl+a”, to select all the cells,
then, “alt+h”,
then, “a”
then, “r”, to allign content of all the cells to right
lastly “ctrl+s” to save the excel file.
(Note: you need to open the excel file before run)

Hope it helps

This is a datatable. Not an excel