I have a data column containing dates in various formats, such as:
11-12-2024 (e.g., dd-MM-yyyy)
11-Nov-2024 (e.g., dd-MMM-yyyy)
11-November-2024 (e.g., dd-MMMM-yyyy)
1/2/2024 (e.g., d/M/yyyy)
And potentially other formats I may not be aware of.
I need to convert these dates to the dd.MM.yyyy format, but I don’t know the specific formats the dates are coming in. I need a solution that can automatically handle multiple date formats, without me needing to define each one explicitly.
How can I achieve this in UiPath, considering the flexibility of input formats? Is there a method to automatically detect and parse these various date formats, then convert them to the desired format (dd.MM.yyyy)?
Would using DateTime.TryParseExact with a list of potential formats work, or is there a better approach in UiPath?
You can maybe try this LINQ Query,
If(DateTime.TryParse(inputDate.ToString(), New DateTime()),
Try using DateTime.Parse: DateTime.Parse is more flexible than DateTime.TryParseExact as it attempts to automatically detect and parse various formats without needing a predefined list.
Here’s how you can do it with invoke code:
Dim parsedDate As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(yourDateString)
Dim formattedDate As String = parsedDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")
Catch ex As Exception
' Handle parsing error if needed '
End Try