Could someone please provide step-by-step guidance on how to incorporate a DateTime activity into a UiPath sequence? I'm looking to create a process that involves handling date and time data, and I'm not sure where to start

Could someone please provide step-by-step guidance on how to incorporate a DateTime activity into a UiPath sequence? I’m looking to create a process that involves handling date and time data, and I’m not sure where to start.

Specifically, I need to understand how to extract, manipulate, or format date and time information within my UiPath workflow. This is crucial for tasks like scheduling, logging, or interacting with time-sensitive data.

I’m eager to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize DateTime activities effectively within UiPath, as this knowledge will significantly enhance the functionality and accuracy of my automation projects.

Your assistance in explaining the process, highlighting potential use cases, and sharing any best practices or tips would be greatly appreciated. Your insights will undoubtedly aid in advancing my proficiency in UiPath automation. Thank you in advance for your valuable support!

There are no datetime activities. You use expressions for parsing strings into datetimes (ie datetime.parse and datetime.parseexact), and outputting datetimes as strings (ie yourDateTimeVar.ToString(format).

Hi @32169949 ,

Maybe you could check on the below tutorials :


you can check below post:

All about Datetime - UiPath - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

Hi @32169949

Check out the link for date formats
