How to convert CSV to Excel

I tried read csv & write rang but its not working,Same csv writing in excel

@Yoichi its not working


Is the column separation comma?

or is it different?

If different then use read text and generate datatable and then write range


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What should i do in this type scenario where csv contain multiple column it results like this
ā†’ Column G


In generate datatable use ; as the column separator


yes iā€™m already using that still results this


After generate datatble activity is the datatable not separated into columns?

Can you show your flow please



Please change format to custom


Not working still


So you have comma and semi colon as separators?

can you please share a sample file here

cheers (429 Bytes)

can we use multiple column separator in generate data table activity ?


After reading the data, say the data is read into variable str

then use assign with str = str.Replace(ā€œ,ā€,ā€œ;ā€)


We can replace the remaining separators to the required and the generate


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