How to continue the process?


I need bot to not stop the bot based on the below condition:

  1. at the beginning of the process bot will ask that till what time bot should run,
    if the user entered 30 minutes from the current time ,
    if the end time exceeds 30 minutes the bot should stop the process,
    if the end time is not exceeds bot should not stop the bot even if there is no data in the queue ,
    how to achieve this??

I belive this is an attended BOT then. Follow below steps.

  1. Store BOT process start time into a variable
  2. Get the input maximum number of minutes and store in to an integer variable.
  3. Assuming you are using RE Framework - Before Get Transaction - Check the difference between current time and the BOT start time in minutes. Check the condition whether the difference is greater than the input minutes variable
  4. If the value is greater than the input minutes - Set the condition to End Process.
  5. Make below modification in RE Framework where the state is going to end process
  6. Put an If condition which checks whether the process to be stopped. if yes - connect to END STATE, Else connect back to INIT

I will try to build the code and share later

Let me know if these details help you to achieve

Happy Automation

Actually if there 5 data in the queue the bot will postpone the queue items for ten minutes if some condition is not matching, if all the queue item is got postponed then bot should not stop the process until it cross the end time

Did you try step number 6?

You have to put some condition in such a way that from the process stage - The condition to move to end process should be false until the time is over


Hi you can add one ideal state in code
And from get transaction data state and process state you have have transition to this ideal state
Now if no data is there go this state set the flag of wait to time based on your need and it should go back to get data after certain time
Than add additional conditions in get transaction data to check 30 min or the stop time u want if that’s true set one more flag to true
And declare that in transition to end states condition
This same flag should be checked in transition to ideal state
