How to stop the process after some specified time?

Hello All,

I need to stop the bots after every 30 minutes or as per business input time in 24 hours:

for example using the input dialogue box activity the business will enter time 19:30
if the 19:30 time is crosses than the bot should stop the process even there is input in queue.

how to do this??


If your bot is queue transaction base, set a trigger to run at your desired schedule and in trigger set Schedule ending of job execution like this. This will stop the bot gracefully.


If you want to kill exactly at 30 minutes, then setup the trigger like this.

Hey @naveen.s I already provided you the solution, have you tried this method?

Ajay Mishra

The bot is attended mode not unattended


Ok, have you tried the solution provided by Ajay? I think it’s better solution in this case.

Will try that , I asked him for work flow!
Thanks Ashok !

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Hi you can have flag before it’s going into process transaction state

You can check the if the entered time is 19:30. Based on the that set tha stop flag to true and during the transition from processing state to get data add one more transaction to end state based on this
Same flag u can have during get transaction data to processing state add one more transition to end state there @naveen.s

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