How to connect to client database using UiPath


I want to connect to remote database and have to insert data in that using uipath.

Please can anyone help me. It’s urgent.

Thank You,


@sayalic - pls refer below blog for connecting database

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Hi @GBK,

The database is in another machine. How I can insert data in that.



@sayalic - please try below steps

1 -Download oracle instant client (basic and odbc driver) - 32 bit
2- Extract content of both to one folder
3- Add the path of instant client folder to System variables (Path and TNS_ADMIN)
4- Install instant client by running odbc_install.exe in instant client folder
5- Create the tnsnames.ora file inside the instant client folder.
**If u have the file in some other location, make sure TNS_ADMIN is pointed to that location.
6 -Go to Administrative tool and launch Admin tool for ODBC (32 bit)
7- Create a User DSN by clicking Add button under User DSN tab
8-Select Oracle db
9- Click Finish
10 - Provide a preferred name to dsn
11- Select server name from TSN name drop down
12 -Provide server username
13 -Click Test Connection
14 - Provide the password and Ok
**Connection success message is received.

In the connection wizard of UiPath, generate connection string by selecting Dsn name and then providing username, password and testing connection.
On succesful connection, click OK
Select System.Data.Odbc from drop down

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I am going to use sql server or MySQL will it going with it. and to perform the above steps do I need admin rights?

@sayalic - which database connectivity are you looking for oracle or mysql?
are you using community edition or ent?

if you dont have admin rights - pls check with your admin teams to install/configure/provide access for you in your machine/vm with the provided steps…

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I have uipath community edition. currently i am using sql server management studio. There is a local database on another machine and I have to insert data on that database through uipath.

How can I achieve this?

pls Try above mentioned steps…

ok. If stuck anywhere can i contact you.?

Hi @sayalic
I facing the same issues, have you done solving this problem?

Best regards.

HI @Anggara_Rahmadhani ,

sorry for the late reply. To insert the data in MySQL database which is on another machine, have used the mysql-connector-odbc and configure the Connect activity accordingly in UiPath to establish a connection and successful insertion of data.
