How to compare the variable which contains certain value with the data table. Value may change in the variable i.e state name. Suppose there is a variable 1:Jamba, Hyderabad,
Pin-Code: 500047 INDIA and
Datatable contains: Column 1: TELANGANA
Column 2: HARYANA
Hi @mhk15,
Column_value.contains(“variable”) method can be used.
Prior to that For each Row should be used to loop through data table.
No its not working… I have with same
Is it possible to post a picture of your excel sheet ? Just to understand how it looks.
Yeah sure, I am sharing my XAML file since data is in datatable itself. STATEZONEMAPPING.xaml (9.5 KB)
I have made some modifications in the xaml.
Check and let me know whether the requirement is fulfilled.
Thanks… It helped me to solve my problem…