How to compare variable with the datatable item

How to compare the variable which contains certain value with the data table. Value may change in the variable i.e state name. Suppose there is a variable 1:Jamba, Hyderabad,
Pin-Code: 500047 INDIA and
Datatable contains: Column 1: TELANGANA
Column 2: HARYANA

Hi @mhk15,

Column_value.contains(“variable”) method can be used.
Prior to that For each Row should be used to loop through data table.

No its not working… I have with same

Is it possible to post a picture of your excel sheet ? Just to understand how it looks.

Yeah sure, I am sharing my XAML file since data is in datatable itself. STATEZONEMAPPING.xaml (9.5 KB)

I have made some modifications in the xaml.

Check and let me know whether the requirement is fulfilled.

Thanks… It helped me to solve my problem…