How to search if a data table contains a variable


I am working with an excel sheet, using the read range activity to create a datatable. I would like to search the contents of the first row of the datatable using an IF activity to see if it contains a previously saved string variable.

Can anyone tell me what the expression should look like for this?

datatable name = dt_fullClientList
row name = Client Name
variable = currentClientName

Hi @DaneMcDaniel

If(dt_fullClientList.Rows(0)("Client Name").ToString = currentClientName)


you want to search only on the particular column value in the first row

then use if activity

condition as


or if you want to check the value present at any column of the first row

condition as
dt.rows(0).ItemArray.Any(Function(x) x.ToString.Trim.equals(“YourPreviousValue”))


Hi @DaneMcDaniel ,
my eg

row(“Client Name”).ToString = strCurrentClientName
hope it help,

That did the trick, thank you so much for your fast reply!

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Yours worked as well for me, thank you for answering this!

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You three answered so fast, thank you for helping me!

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