I have dt1 with 1 row
dt2 with 10 rows
need to compare those 2 data tables & fetch 1 row from dt1 & remove in dt2 .After that copy that dt2 into another data table i.e dt3.
Please help
Read Range (dt1) → Read Range (dt2) → Join Data Table (Inner Join, based on common key) → Remove Data Row (from dt2) → Assign (Copy dt2 to dt3)
Please refer this solution
You can use for loop and if to compare 2 dt
Then build new dt3 to assign
You can share your dt1 and dt2
dt3 will have only uncommon rows.
Hope it helps.
Use the below linq expression
dt_UnCommonRows = dt1.AsEnumerable().Except(dt2.AsEnumerable(),System.Data.DataRowComparer.Default).CopyToDataTable
Hope it helps!!
Hey @vnsatyasunil
Use join datatable activity
Please find the below xaml for your refernece.
Data Table.xaml (11.1 KB)
Output : DataTable.xlsx (6.8 KB)
I hope it helps!!
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Happy Automation @vnsatyasunil !!
row is not deleting from datatable
not able to open document error coming while opening shared xaml file. Please share again
dt1 with 1 row
dt2 with 10 rows
dt2 with 1 row
dt1 with 10 rows
yes tried that way only in dt3 all 10 rows coming 9 should come by deleting 1 row right?
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