How to compare 2 different set of data using For Each

I have 2 sets of data and i want to loop thru each iteration and compare if they are the same.
I have tried

  1. For Each
  2. For Each
  3. IF item in step 1 = item in step 2
    However, the value in step 3 always returns 0 for both values.

For example,
List [1,2,3]
List B [1,2,3]
It should return if 1=1 then “success”
now its only returning 0=0 and the number of loops is more than the number of items in each list

Hi @jackyWHJ

You can try this condition in if directly

List1.Except(List2).Count = 0
If true assign a string variables = “Success”
If false assign a string variable = “failed”

If you need to check list2 has any other values than list 1 use this
List2.Except(List1).Count = 0
If true assign a string variables = “Success”
If false assign a string variable = “failed”

Hope this helps
