How to click on the ok button within the chrome alert box?
Hi @Riya_Sharma
Can you please help with the Screenshot.
meanwhile please use “Element Exist” activity while gives the Boolean value , based on that you can perform “Ok” or “Cancel”
Hi @suraj.setty ,
Not able to indicate these button button. Also not able to enter a comment in comment section box,
Hi @Riya_Sharma
Use Send Hotkey activity “Enter”
Use Click Image Activity
Hope it will work
Hi @Riya_Sharma
Try using “Hot Keys”
if not working try using “Image Exist” activity to find the image and “Click Image” to Click on the “Ok” or “Cancel”
You can try with Type into activity
Hi @Gokul001 ,
Have tried but not ale to select a selector for this.
Hi @Riya_Sharma
Please use “Click Image” activity on the Comment Section Field followed by “Type Into” activity. Which will type your comment in the comment section.
Please try and let me know if this works.
If possible can you share the URL .
You can also use Send Hotkey Activity @Riya_Sharma
Hi @suraj.setty ,
Still not able to type
Can you share the URL if possible , i can try from my end.
Sorry,it’s needed credential
No worries, Please try sending “Hot Keys” to the comments field followed by “Type Into” activity.
Which hot keys should i have to use for the same?
Use Send Hotkey Activity and send enter key by it .
use Type into activity for comment.
not able to select a selectors for this
Send TAB as Hotkey for providing the data in comment followed by type into activity.
Hi @Vaibhav_Rajpoot_17
have tried sending hot keys as well for tying a comment in comment section but still its unable to find a selector of it.
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