How to click on check box?

Hello guys,

I have to click on check box shown above image :- but there is an condition

  1. If in the column ( Erro no ) there is found anything like (data,number) in this column that row will be skip/don’t click on check box and click those all check box.

  2. if in column ( Error no ) all rows are blank it will click on mark all

And move to next step

Reference sheet
trialfile.xlsx (949.2 KB)


Hi @suraj_gaikwad,

Using VBA macro for this would be more reliable and feasible.

Ashok :slight_smile:

But that table coming from desktop application.
Please let me know in more details


Ohh! my bad. I thought the application is built in Excel. VBA macro is out in this case.

I’m not sure about the desktop application you are using but you will have to use Find children.

  1. Configure it to get only Error no cells by using Filter property.
  2. It will return List<UiElements>.
  3. Iterate trough all the UiElements, check for value for anything like (data,number) if it’s true check the checkbox by index number of iteration.
  4. Use the index number to create dynamic selector for the checkbox.
  5. Use Click Activity to check the box

We can export that that in CSV excel file please refer the excel file which I have provided


You shouldn’t exporting the data. Use Find Children because it will give you the relevant selector and index of the checkbox row to check.