How to Change Font Size in Studio?

I am new to UiPath. I can’t seem to find a way to increase my Studio font size. Thanks.


What font size are you referring to?
If the display of font in activity titles/comments you can use zoom option given at the right bottom in studio (CTRL + scroll up/down).


Hi Meg,

Thanks for your response. Please see the attached image. I would like to increase font size in the red circled areas.



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These font belongs to the app,
you can change this by navigating to system display settings and increasing the display size.

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In my case, I am on a Windows Server cloud instance. I can only use Remote Desktop to access the server. Windows does not allow changing these settings in Remote Desktop.

Thanks for your response.


When using RDP, use a different resolution. It looks like you are running at 2k or 4k resolution :thinking:


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This might help, check this thread.

I can’t find the display setting page you posted above

I need to change the font size larger, since my monitor is too big, thanks