How to change Acrobat Reader DC printer

Hi all
I’m trying to change the printer at Acrobat Reader DC.
Select item activity can change the specific printer at Acrobat Print dialog.
But the doc is printed out the default printer.

I used the following selector.

I used following activity.

It is working perfectly fine with me

Hi @tango ,

The problem is reproduced in my environment.

For now, there are two solutions.

The first solution is “Click property and cancel” as follows:

  1. Select the printer using Select Item activity.
  2. Click property button,then click cancel button in the property dialog.
  3. Click print button

The second solution is “Check printer names in combo box using Get Attribute activity and Send Hotkey (home and down key)”.
Please see attached file.
Main.xaml (12.3 KB)


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Thanks @rkelchuri and @Yoichi
I tried Yoichi’s 1st solution.
it works almost fine but less than 10% printed default out.
I continue to investigate.

Any solutions to this?

I want to use my default printer, however, the default printer suddenly changes to a different printer. So I need a way to check which printer is default, then set X as the default printer if it isn’t already. Any ideas on this?

Input text works fine for me.

I found a simple method to set the defautl print that you want, yuo can using below activities.
