How to change a "Disabled" property to true or false at runtime?

Hello ! I am looking for help to know how to change the “Disabled” property of a dropdown depending on the value chosen in another Radio Button type control, I tried creating a variable and changing the value of that variable between true or false when I use the radio button, the value of the variable changes, but despite the fact that this variable is in the “Disabled” property, it does not have the effect at run time.

@jvaldes ,

You can write if else condition on disabled property and assign true false value or you can pass from parameters as well.

I think your assigned value do not hold any runtime true or false that’s the reason it’s not working .

Please try something if(control value contains “specific string”, true,false)


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Welcome to the community

Please check this…I have used on display …you can use on hidden

Hope this helps


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Thanks for your comment, but when applying it anyway, the expected thing does not happen, I even put a Label to see live the change of value between true and false, in the Label it is seen that it changes, but it does not have the effect on the property " Disabled" even though the variable is seen to change

Thanks for your comment, but I applied everything you show in that video, but when applying it anyway, the expected thing does not happen, I even put a Label to see live the change of value between true and false, in the Label it can be seen that it changes , that Label does show in the app that its value is changed, but it does not have the effect on the “Disabled” property, even though it is seen that the variable does change


Instead of true or false write =true and =false…that should solve your issue


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That was !! Thank you very much for your help, I did not realize that you need a “=” since in the place to write the “Disabled” parameter you can see that it is coming, but I suppose that is the way to work it in APPs, thank you very much for your help

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