How to make this DT using build datatable. I’ve to update value1 and value2 for all dates for which I have used for each and M not sure how to use build DT where headers are 2 as shown here in blue. Also, can I continue using blue colour ?
Updated Query: Is it possible to make this table in the excel sheet for the whole month like the same. if it can be possible any other way than build DT. Or how can I generate this DT for every day in this sheet and feed in values. Request your help
This won’t be possible!
You would have to create table from 2nd row as headers,
for the first row you might have to use write cell activities and write the data in Excel.
This looks like a Pivot Table kind of structure,
So if you have some data source which can give you a pivot like this,
You can use a VBA Script and run it in your excel file using Invoke VBA