I was trying to Automation appointment work flow of Healcare application where the process has been defined below:
1.User Gets login into the application.
2.User Land to Dashboard after login.
3.User Clicks on "Appointment Tab and user redirect to Appointment listing screen.
4.Appointment listing screen has been divided into panel.
Panel 1: Appojntments listing
Panel 2: Search Facet with Vertical Scroll bar where User can search for specific appointment by putting searching parameters.
5.Now, I want to make search for specific appointment and to do so, i have to use vertical scroll bar to locate that search parameters.
Issues: I am not able to Scroll down the vertical Scroll bar which has been placed with Search Facet.
alternatively to pattyricarte’s solution, you could use the “click” element of “recording” to scroll down (click on the arrow of the scroll bar for small steps or just adjust the slider). especcially useful if you have to deal with multiple containers placed next to each other.
@ dinkar.singh4 and do you realy need to sroll down ?
I have a robot similar to your information.
Try first get the element Search Facet and perform something there if works you dont need to sroll down, if the element is on the screan (dont need to be visible) you can get it.
Yes @B.D, Element is at the end of Search Facet.
I do click on Appointment Tab to load the all appointment gets listed at first load and then try to perform the search by using search Facet parameters. I am looking for all Requested appointment which is inside a Filter Label like
1.CheckBox Icon-Requested
2.CheckBox Icon- Cancelled.
3.CheckBox Icon- another option.
My workflow is like , I will select the cehckbox-Requested and then click on Search Button present at the Search Facet and will get the desired result.
1.On Search Facet, We need to have focus on Facet because Focus was on Appointment listing Panel.
2.I did click on one element of search facet so that we could navigate to Facet panel.(Click on Patient Cicckable Label)
3.I used Hot send key to scroll with Down key.
4.Click on Checkbox option.(Click on Requested CheckBox which was associated with Requested label)
5.Click on “Search” Button.