How to associate with parents workflow automatically using by Invoke workflow file

Hi, I’m an Executor of UiPath RPA Academy. I’ve got a problem as the blow.

I carried it out in order of follows.

1.Right click on a Try Catch sequence. Extract as WorkFlow

but all of the variables are not working anymore in sub workflow.

Please check the attachment.

Could anyone teach me where I was wrong?


Have you imported the arguments?

Import arguments were empty.

Do I have to do something manually?

I leaned on lesson13-Project Organization video that shows if right click on a sequence and click the [Extract as workflow] button in master workflow, it will create a new sub workflow and will relate all the variables to parent workflow automatically by Invoke WorkFlow File activity. So I thought that I don’t need to create new arguments.

But maybe the video skips the Import arguments step.

Thank you!

well pal when athat works for me but even you can see this link for your understanding. concept is simple