How to append a line that is seperated by new line?

i have a string file in which one part of the data is in one line while the other part is on the next line how to i append the two??please help ut

— use a read text file activity and get the output with a string variable named out_text
— then use a assign activity like
Out_text = String.Join(“ “,out_text.Split(Environment.Newline.ToArray()))

We can check the value with writeline activity like
This will make as single a line

Hope this would help you
Cheers @Royzz

Hi its coming like this
While i would require like this

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can i have a sample of that text file so that i could give you a xaml working for that
and kindly mention how the output format should be for the given input text file as
Cheers @Royzz

it should look like thisCapture3

how is the input given
Cheers @Royzz

This is the inputfileCapture4

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here you go
hope its resolved (10.3 KB)

Cheers @Royzz

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yeah thanks a lot

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Fantastic cheers

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