How to add image in email body

Hi All,

I want to add image or selected area from excel in the email body. Let me know how to achieve that?



Hi @Rakesh_Peerannawar_U

Try these


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You can use HTML tag and dd image or hyperlinks anything and just select isbodyhtml check in properties.


Hi Rakesh,

Please find attached implemented solution for your problem. (4.3 KB)

Please make sure you have enabled download images from outlook like given below otherwise image will not going to appear in mail.

Also please make changes accordingly

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Did you successfully complete the process?
I am getting this error in the email.


understand my requirement which is checking DOB from excel which matches with system date and if found any employee data should send email to respective employee
here I have a need that I should send image in the body of email using random slides from ppt. I have a ppt where I have different templates defined in it. so application should pick random template in the body of email.

It will be helpful if you add your inputs on this requirement as well.