How to add datarow on the datatable

My process is “Google Translator”

Where the inputs are Inputword and TranslateTo will be get from the excel and added to queue, which forms the dispatcher and I need my output the translated text to be on my same excel file. I am facing issue to put the output in that excel file. Please help with the logic

Hi @Mani_Mani
–use get queue items and get the value of the Translated text and store it to a string variable
–Then use a excel applition scope activity and use write cell activity with the string variable above obtained as input

Kindly correct me if m wrong
and elaborate a bit more on this buddy
Cheers @Mani_Mani”
This is the site.

Where the inputs are (Input and TranslateTo) will be get from the excel and added to queue, which forms the dispatcher and I need the translated text which is my output in excel and must be written in the output column in the same excel. I am facing issue to put the output in that excel file. Help with the logic