I have two excel workbook with the same headers for the sheets
how do i copy the data from one sheet in workbook a into the master excel sheet (workbook b). Sheet b currently has data in it already (e.g. the data ends at A10:K55), so when i add in the data from workbook a, it has to continue from A11 onwards.
Thank you.
(Motiwala Hasib)
August 28, 2021, 6:14am
Use Append Range Activity
Hi @miriam_ong
Read range the Both Excel suppose Dt1 and Dt2
use if condtion dt1.rows.count>0 Neglect This!!!
Append range the Dt2 Using the Dt1 file path in append Range.
Will you be able to show me how it is done? I keep getting an error - “one or more childrne have validation errors or warnings”
August 28, 2021, 11:30am
Hi @miriam_ong ,
To copy the worksheet from one workbook to another workbook.
you can use this activity.
Hi Friends,
I have included the below new custom components in the package.
1.Create Workbook.(Create a new worksheet)
2.Copy to File (Copy the worksheet to another excel file).
3.Copy to WorkBook (Copy the worksheet inside the workbook).
4.HideUnhide the worksheet
5.Protect Unprotect the worksheet
Create WorkBook
Sample : CreateWorkbook.zip (18.5 KB)
Copy To File
This activity copies the work sheet to an another excel file. If the another file is not ex…