Copy range and paste it to another file

Hi, I want to copy a specific range from an excel workbook to another one, but I want to append to the existing data and don’t overwrite it.
How can I do that?
I’ve tried to use copy/paste range activity and then append but I couldn’t make it work.
I’ll attach my workflow

Hey @Gabriele_Radici

Can you Provide your Excel for Better Understanding with range and excepted output .

cheers :upside_down_face: (1,3 MB)
This are my files,
The “Dati” one is where I copy the selected section of B column,
Then I want to paste to A column of the Risultati sheets, as I said before, appending the data and not deleting it.

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Hey @Gabriele_Radici

I seen your “Dati.csv” in B column is empty I think its not going to work .

Cheers :upside_down_face: .

It’s impossibile, it’s not empy. the first row maybe but there’re a lot of datas in that column

I want to copy a specific range and append to the other file without overwriting the existing datas