How to add bullets to the items in a list

I have a list and want to add bullets before each item in the list.

Example list: {Item1, Item2, Item3}

Expected output:
• Item1
• Item2
• Item3


Where are you trying to plot this item list?

Ashok :slight_smile:

are trying to generate html code?

Assign Activity:
strFragment =

"<ul>" & String.Join("",yourStringList.Select(Function (x) String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "<li>",x,"</li>"))) & "</ul>"


Hi @santhosh_arjun

Can you try below

items = {"Item1", "Item2", "Item3"}
bulletedList = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, items.Select(Function(item) "• " & item))


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  1. Initialize Variables:
  • myList : List<String> = {"Item1", "Item2", "Item3"}
  • bulletedList : List<String> = new List(Of String)()
  1. For Each Activity:
  • For Each item in myList
    • Body:
      • Assign Activity: bulletedItem = "• " + item
      • Invoke Method Activity to add bulletedItem to bulletedList
        • Target Object: bulletedList
        • Method Name: Add
        • Parameters:
          • bulletedItem
  1. Output the Result :
  • For Each bulletedItem in bulletedList
    • Use a Write Line activity or Message Box to display bulletedItem.
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thanks for the reply, the above solution seems to be working fine.

this works, thanks for the solution

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