How to access chrome settings using open browser

Hi I am trying to automate “clearing browser cache” using UiPath. I tried following two ways

  1. try clicking on the UiElement at right top corner and select “settings” → I am trying to use “Find Element” to locate the 3 icons symbol image at right top. After clicking on this UiElement, Trying to click on “settings”. But I am not able to setup the “indicate on screen” property of “find element” as the settings window closes when we switch from Chrome to UiPath window.

  2. Tried to open “chrome://settings” using open browser. But it is not opening this link

Hi @swetha_pattabhi,

Please follow the below steps.

  • Use Open Browser with blank “” URL.
  • Navigate to “chrome://settings/clearBrowserData”
  • Click Image on “Clear Data” Button.



Thank you it worked.

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Ur Welcome… :smiley: Please mark the post as solved…

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