Hi. I’m learning AI fabric from the AI center course from UiPath academy. As mentioned in practice excercise, I created a training dataset and just created the training pipeline. The status is “Packaging”
The pipeline took 124 minutes to finish. Today I’m creating ML skill and the status is “Deploying”. Once again, I want to know how much time it takes for this skill to deploy?
I feel that it’ll be good if we can get time remaining display in the AI center for pipeline runs and ML skills deployments. Because it’s difficult , if the wait time is unknown. It’s difficult to create an AI center project within given timeline if I’m not sure when my skill will be ready.
I’m going through the “Specialized AI Professional” learning plan right now, and I started a Training Pipeline with this same dataset. I’m happy to have discovered your post since I may have been waiting here another 100 minutes, periodically refreshing to see if the pipeline was done running!
Update: It took 49 minutes to run the Training Pipeline, so not as bad as in your case. Must have been some improvements in the past couple of years.