How do I reverse engineer already built UiPath processes?


I wanted to ask if there are any tips/tricks on reverse engineering .xaml files within Studio. I am aware of the Export to Excel feature within the Design and Debug tabs as I’ve recently started using it for my own workflows but wanted to find out if there are any other methods for more complex projects.

I have a REFramework process that was never fully built by a third party about two years ago and have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how everything is connected by studying the variables, arguments, activities and sequences within the .xaml files. I’ve made notable progress but want to see if I can figure this out even faster thru another method.

Any suggestions/feedback is welcome.

Hey @aherlong

To get an overall idea you may try to check the Outline panel.

But still going through the code is what the detailed way I believe.


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The outline panel seems to help.

When you say going through the code, are you referring to what I’ve been doing or is there another way? Just curious.

Yes the way you were doing only… :sweat_smile:

Okay. Thanks for clarifying

Good luck. REFramework is a mess. I just rebuild them properly from scratch (or with my own framework that’s much better than RE) when I’m presented with something like this. What you’re doing is the only way to decipher what someone else wrote.

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I figured that would be the case considering I couldn’t find anything else that could help me decipher this process.

And I couldn’t agree more about REFramework being a mess. I’m already convinced that I’ll need to build my own version of the process since I keep running into errors and asking Support to help me figure out what it all means. Having no documentation from the third party also doesn’t help at all and only adds to the frustration.

Just out of curiosity, what kind of framework did you build? Does it operate similar to RE?

It’s a template that is intended to be used against a Queue (although it can be modified to run against things like lists of files, etc) and has error handling, notifications, logging, etc built in but it’s just a regular flow, not a state machine.

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I forgot to mention it’s based off of the UiPath template “Transactional Process” - I started with that and over time have honed it to fit our environment and internal standards.

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I gotcha. Thank you for sharing this information with me. This is quite insightful.

I’ll look more into something like that up the road for future projects and my current case if I end up having to rebuild it from scratch.

I’ll also go ahead and accept your initial response as the solution. Thanks once again for your input on this matter

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