How do I pass a variable into a UiPath form field to populate a dropdown and retrieve the selected value?

Hello Everyone,

Its been long here. I don’t know if its just me but I think the new UiPath forms is a bit too complex. the previous version was simpler. I am trying to send in an array viarble i.e {“easy”,“hard”,“medium”} into a form via an input parameter. I have done this successfully , but now how do I get value selected by the form user. I do not want to hard code levels inside the form.
Thanks in advance guys

Hi @MasterOfLogic ,

It is not complex, rather it is my way or the highway!

Try these:
“Show Form” without feeding values.
Add a “Set Form Values” step and feed your values in that step.

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Thank. and how do I retrieve the selection?


If it’s unnecessary to use dynamic options, the following sample will help you.

Sample (2.9 KB)


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What is the error you are getting with this ?

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I will need to use dynamic options because my values come from a data source and can change. is this still possible? the previous versions UiPath it was easy to do


It’s a little bit complicated because it’s probably necessary to use Async form and event trigger as the following sample, for example.

Sample20241024-2 (2).zip (6.2 KB)


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Use “Get Form Values”

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Here is a complete approach for you

Hope this helps


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