Hello All,
I want to identify if there is any duplicate values in column “ID”. And if there’s any, I want to write “Duplicate” in the “Remarks” column.
How do I achieve this ?
Hello All,
I want to identify if there is any duplicate values in column “ID”. And if there’s any, I want to write “Duplicate” in the “Remarks” column.
How do I achieve this ?
I have a question , Do you have any other condition to write Duplicate
because as per you screen shot you wrote Ajith 101 as duplicate while Ajay 101 is success
we can write Ajay 101 as Duplicate and ajith 101 as success
How to do you differentiate this name is duplicate and other is not you must have a condition for that can you tell that ?
Hi @Sudharsan_Ka,
Name can have duplicate values. I just want to identify duplicates in the column “ID” and add remark as “DUPLICATE”
Yes i am talking about id only @jijorhohim98
Okay so you need to see if the id is already assigned to any name and if assigned the id assigned to other name should be Duplicate right?
What if there is no duplicates and I want to leave the remarks cell blank ?
The column “ID” doesn’t have anything to do with the other columns. If a value is repeated in the column “ID”, I want to remark as “Duplicate”.
Then after the loop use another if before writing out_dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(row) row(“Remarks”).Tostring.Contains(“Duplicate”)).Count.Equals(0)
In Yes don’t write in NO Write the data
Add duplicate remark for all the duplicates right?
It didn’t work
Please post what dint work because thats very vague to understand what failed
Remarks part didn’t happen and no errors in the error list too.
I already have the remarks header
Yes I understand you have remarks column but in For loop did you add a add row ?
can u send a screenshot of your workflow
Hi @jijorhohim98 ,
Maybe An Alternate method using Linq GroupBy could work for your case :
OutputDT = (From r In DT1.AsEnumerable
Group r By k=r("ID").toString.Trim Into grp=Group
From g In grp.DefaultIfEmpty
Let Status = If(grp.First.itemArray.SequenceEqual(g.itemArray),"Success","Duplicate")
Let ra = g.ItemArray.Take(g.ItemArray.Count-1).Append(Status).ToArray
Select OutputDT.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
Here, DT1
is the Input Datatable, OutputDT
is the clone of the Input Datatable.
Visuals :
Debug Panel :
Let us know if this doesn’t work.
we focussed on:
only with suggestion from below
we assume that you can work on datatable base, once you had read in excel with e.g. a read range - dtData
Assign Activity:
arrDuplicatesRows | Array of DataRows - DataRow() =
(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable
Group d by k=d("ID").ToString().Trim() into grp=Group
Where grp.Count > 1
Select g = grp.Skip(1)).SelectMany(Function (x) x).toList
For each Activity: item in arrDuplicatesRows | TypeArgument: DataRow
As we have handled by grouping data have a look below. We can also do it within a NON-LINQ approach
when also Remark Sucess is to set, we can handle and adapt as well
what’s inside the build data table ?
@jijorhohim98 ,
It’s the same Sample Data (DT1
) that you have provided.