How do i delete projects?

How do i delete projects that i no longer need in uipath? They keep appearing?

Hover on the process and Click on Cross.

just delete from the directory and click that cross button once you right click

Hello @Chaaza

Go to your default folder where all these projects are saved. Delete from there . Then you wont able to see the unwanted projects. usually it will be in document\UiPath

Hi @Chaaza,

You can delete it with the X button.


Hi @Chaaza
Just Hover over the Process name in Home of UiPath Studio and click the x button

Hi @Chaaza

So if you no longer need it and you don’t want it to appear in that start panel page

Hover your mouse and click on cross Burton

Next go to your mycomputer
saved in your Local machine.
Often at : Documents/Uipath/
You can delete entire project folders them from there.

Hope this helps

Yes – thanks. Clicking the cross only removes it from the “recent projects” listing. If you want to delete the project altogether, it looks like deleting the folder from File Explorer is the only way.