How do I build mutli-tenancy with on-premise enterprise orchestrator server

If I am using an enterprise on-premise orchestrator, then how do I create another new tenant other than the default tenant that was created when I logged in? How do I build mutli-tenancy with on-premise enterprise orchestrator server?
because unlike in cloud, for on-premise orchestrator i don’t see any service to choose from / any tenant option to add new tenants.
Please suggest…

I have searched through the uipath documentation & forum for multi-tenancy with enterprise on-premise Orchestrator Server. But I only see psots regarding multi-tenancy for community cloud Orchestrator. Please help…

Is it possible to have multiple tenants if using Enterprise On-Premise Orchestrator Server? If yes, How do I do create more tenants on on-premise server?


Hi @Snigdha_S

It is possible.
This article should help you out: