How can UiPath automate clicking on the pop-up dialog boxes that appear?

Hello,How can UiPath handle the pop-up dialog boxes that appear while executing a macro,I need to click the ‘OK’ button using the mouse ,There are three different styles of these pop-up dialog boxes. How can UiPath automate the process of clicking on them until the macro execution is complete?


  1. if your macro is giving those pop ups please dont use msg box or pop up in macro…modify macro accordingly
  2. Apart from this you can use Application.DisplayAlerts = False which will supress the pop up


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I cannot modify the macro, the pop-up window is some verification. I can only click ‘OK’ when it pops up and let it run until it ends.


Can you add Application.DisplayAlerts = False ?

even if this is not possible then use a parallel activity with clicks on required pop ups on one side and macro code on another side of parallel


hi @shenyu

Check for the element using element exists
if the pop up exists then click

It Helps!

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