How can i use different robots with the same machine

how can i use different robots with the same machine plz ?

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Kindly have a view on this

Cheers @Soudios

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Picture plz .?

here you go
on how to do it with pictures

Cheers @Soudios

how can i open the Server Manager plz ?

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In start we can search as Server Manager

Cheers @Soudios

i can’t find it, is it only for US version of windows ?

Your question is not clear.
Question: You wanted to use different robots in a single machine…?
Answer: Yes, you can use as many number of BOTs as you want in a single machine. But one after one.
Question: You wanted to use different robots in a single machine … at the same time.?
Answer: Yes, you can use but you need to purchase High Density Robot license.

There are several approaches for running multiple robots in a single machine at a time.
It’s all depends on your requirement.
First of all why do you want to run multiple robots in a single machine?
Please advise… so that forum can help you for right direction.

Thank you for you response,

First i want to know, if for you robot = process ?

Robot is different from process
Studio is where we develop the process and to execute that process developed we are using ROBOTS
cheers @Soudios

Ok but in orchestrator its called “Processes” right ?

For robots it’s called as ROBOTS only
For process we got separate tab for it PROCESS

cheers @Soudios

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