How can i saperate value sfrom output data table


I have dome column data in duplicate data row activity and when am using for each row and trying to get one by one row item using for eah row and passing “row” i write line it is giving me as output.
but when i am converting that to string using output data table it is giving me output like below.

i need this one by one line saperately and this data will chnage with each excel.
how can i get one by one value in some variable?
help me on same.

basicaly i am getting all filter values of excel of perticular column.


If you need result as array, the following will work.

arrLots = dt.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r) r("Lots").ToString).ToArray

If you need to get each item of the array, please use ForEach activity as the following.


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