How Can I Reply Mail use the Exchange Or SMTP Mail Message in Uipath

Hi ,

I get my mails from my mailbox and i want to reply mail if mail is spesific( using Reply or Reply All Command ).How Can do it ?

Note : Reply Outlook should not be used


You could try using Send SMTP Mail Message activity and leverage forward property to add recipients (after getting “to” addresses from the mailbox) .

No, we can only send emails with SMPT and Exchange.

For reply outlook activities are used.

Hi @omrcn.aktmr

Welcome to UiPath Community

there are a few activities available in UPath marketplace :point_right: check this

Hope this is helpful

Hi , thanks for answer. I am using Get all exchange messages. For now i just send mail with forwad. But this is not enough for me

Hi , thanks for answer.

What exactly is the reason for this? Uipath , What exactly is the reason for this?

Anyone got the solution ?
Reply in mail chain without using “Reply Outlook activity”