How can I remove the <D>, <Q>, and <A> values from the template before saving it

in word template replace the value’s

– Description value’s
If there is only one value, paste the first line, remove the ,, and placeholders in the template, and save it

If there are two values, paste the first and second lines, remove the remaining lines, as well as the ,, and placeholders in the template, and save it.

"How to remove the ,< Q>, values in the template before save the template.

Hi @krishnapriya_Anu ,
You need remove
You can use replace text to blank " "

Hello @krishnapriya_Anu

Read Word Template
Read Text File:
File Path: “Path\to\your\Template.docx” // Replace with the actual file path
Output: templateContent

Replace the Values
templateContent = templateContent.Replace(“,< Q>,”, “”) // Replace with the actual value you want to remove

Save the Modified Template
Write Text File:
File Path: “Path\to\save\ModifiedTemplate.docx” // Replace with the desired save path
Text: templateContent

Thanks & Cheers!!!