How can i get all messages from teams chat


My requirement is like , if the meeting gets started in teams and when we send any messages in teams chat for that meeting then it saves all messages in teams chat with that meeting subject.
check below imaage.

once meeting gets over , i want this all chat messages so i can paste those mesages somewhere like excel.

i have staretd workflow as below .

please help me with the solution for this.

@Cristian_Negulescu @RAKESH_KUMAR_Tiwari @AndersJensen

here is print screens

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thanks for the detailed worklflow ss.
i have created similar workflow just one doubt , for microsoft teams scope what authentication method u r using?
and have u done configuration with azure to generate tenent and application id?

I have registered app in azure and provided username ,password application id and tenent id but i ma getting below error in get chats

“Get Chats: Code: generalException
Message: An error occurred sending the request.”

one more thing for me grant permission option is disabled.

@Cristian_Negulescu @AndersJensen

I use interactiveToken on authentication type.
and all configuration is like in this video from the exact second:

With these extra mentions
IMPORTANT: After adding API Permission GO TO Authentification and put YES on Allow public client FLOWS and click SAVE
Nothing changed on the configuration with this video just add activities for Chat


i did same as you.

but getting error in get chat

The Administrator of your Azure must press the grant admin consent button.

ok i will check with the admin, thanks