This is how it works.
Find Children returns all descendant elements of the table which align to the value in the activity’s filter property ( e.g.
"<webctrl idx='1' parentid='overview' tag='P' />"
). This is output to a list variable. You should edit the filter to align to whatever identifies a row in your table combined with a wildcard (e.g. “<webctrl row=*”). -
Each item in this list, which is a UiPath.Core.Uielement object. In your case, these objects are instances of rows. To see if you are on the correct path, output the selectors for the elements collected using a For Each loop on the variable and write each item selector to a text file (item.selector.tostring). Maybe post the output here so we can help you understand it.
If all is well, then each object represents a row and a simple count of the number of objects in the list variable will provide you the number of rows in the table.
Some examples of how Find Children is used: