How can I automate the process of web scraping to Gsuite integration using Orchestrator?

When I use UiPath Orchestrator and run the process, nothing is done and the job succeeds. How can I get the job to run correctly? I am using the community version.

I have created a process to do web scraping and write to Google Spreadsheet, and executing the file from UiPath Studio works fine. For authentication, I use a service account and put the key under C on the machine.

As for other information, the machine connection is working well, as a simple process that displays a message box works well from Orchestrator, both manually and triggered.

Hi @rsugimura

Have you created a queue in Orchestrator for your Robot ? I did not see add queue item on your screenshot.

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Hi @GreenTea

Hi, thank you for the help.
I didn’t know about Queue, now I understand about it.

I have created a Queue on Orchestrator, but Studio says that the Queue does not exist.
I’m guessing from below article that the reason is probably that the Attend Robot registration in Orchestrator is not set to Domain/Username, but I can’t find the Attended Robot registration option in User Registration either.

Where can I change it, or is it not available in the Community version?
If you have a possible reason other than my guess, I would be happy to hear it.

Add Queue Item: InHouse_Process4 does not exist. Error code: 1002

Hi @rsugimura

That’s strange…your Queue icon should be visible. I have a community edition of orchestrator and Queue icon is visible. Have you added your PC to Machines ? Assign Roles? Otherwise it could be a something else… a glitch maybe.

Hi @GreenTea

Thanks for the reply.

I suspected the connection between Orchestrator and my PC, and removed the automatically assigned attended robot. This is because the domain and user name were not entered correctly in the automatic assignment.

After doing so, I was able to verify the existence of the Queue and run the job. Thanks!


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